
Sunday 19 April 2015

Herbs with a Helping Hand

We enjoyed a brilliant trip to the RHS Show in Cardiff on Friday. Having been on two previous occasions we were looking forward to a day full of all things green and garden inspiration, this year did not disappoint. 

We strolled and marvelled our way through the floral marquees, picniced in front of the band stand and swooned over the incredible show gardens.

One of my favourites was this gold winning garden, complete with a pizza oven. It looked like the perfect spot for a bit of Summer alfresco dining! One day...

With the children in tow we didn't spend the whole day there, although we easily could have done. Whilst we restrained ourselves most of the way, as we passed the nursery stands we couldn't resist some quick purchases, loading up the buggy with blooms before heading home.

One of the stands which I enjoyed most was by 'Herbs in Wales'. Stacked full of a huge range of herbs, I had great fun picking out some pretty floral as well as useful herbs for our garden. 
Thankfully the sun was still shining yesterday so I set to potting on my purchases... along with a pair of helping hands. 
I couldn't resist the delicate blooms of this lovely Thyme. When I was planting it I was instantly transported to the kitchen on a Sunday afternoon when there's a roast chicken cooking in the oven! 
I also loved this gorgeous butterfly lavender. I bought two small plants which now look lovely either side of our back door. I love the way the blooms dance as the wind blows through them.
Wilf loved making himself useful by loading up his barrow with compost and mixing up the vermiculite. He couldn't resist 'making it snow' so needless to say it was all over the place by the end.
A few years ago I bought an old vegetable crate which I lined, filled with compost and turned into a mini herb box. Its been sat on our patio and is close to the back door so is handy for quickly popping out for herbs when cooking. I decided it needed a bit of love having been neglected over the winter. This is the box before I started.
I removed a woody, straggly Sage (will prune and pot it somewhere else), a pot containing mint and gave it all a good dig over. Wilf befriended a worm at this point who he took off for little rides around the patio on his trike. 
I added some Thyme, hot and spicy Majoram (imagining some tasty pizzas this summer), a little rosemary and some Chocolate Mint. They've joined some Chives and Lemon Verbena. 
I expect I'll have to take one or two things out as they start to overcrowd each other and my husband has already advised me to contain the Mint in a pot. But for now I'm happy. 
I absolutely love picking fresh herbs, they add so much extra to food and you can always tell when they've been used. I've always fancied making fresh mint tea and had that in mind when I added this Moroccan Mint to my basket on Friday. 
I thought it looked too nice in its blue pot to be left out on the patio, so for now its sitting pretty up on our mantle piece. Until I fancy a cuppa that is....

I hope you've had a wonderful weekend and had a chance to soak up the lovely weather. Here's to a great week ahead. 
Lowri x


  1. It looks like you had a lovely weekend! I've never been to a show like that before but I know I would leave with definate garden envy! I love the pizza oven too - how great would it be to have a garden like that?!
    And your herb crate is perfect. I love using fresh herbs too so should really get around to doing something like this! x

    1. Hi Kate, I can highly recommend a show. Cardiff is the only one we've been too but its always a great day out (especially when the sun shines). And yes, how amazing would a pizza oven in the garden be! XX

  2. I'd love to go to a show like that. The garden looks amazing. Perfect for entertaining. I wouldn't mind a pizza oven too :) We've just started to make a dent in to our very sparse garden. I don't really have a clue what I'm doing but I'm certainly enjoying hours spent in the garden centre (and not just because they sell great cake).

    1. Learning as you go with gardening is the best bit. I look forward to seeing some photos of your progress over on Instagram! :-) xx
